Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Doyal Thomas Loyd died in 1973 . In his will , he left a mineral interest 1/2 each to each of his two married daughters , Runelle Loyd Stembridge , and Faye Loyd Lilly .

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Walter Loyd Lilly , Ann Stembridge Bates , and Joe Stembridge all are grandchildren of Doyal Thomas loyd , of Gilmer Texas before his death  , who in his life was a K-12 school principal of an oilfield school and later a bank vice-president .
  Mr. Loyd owned his own home , as well as weekend farmland outside of town and at least two motor vehicles at all times , along with his wife , Olga Loyd .

Hello !!!!!

Welome to ~ Walter Loyd Lilly . Ann Stembridge Bates . Joe Stembridge . ~ a blog written by Walter Loyd Lilly , which will discuss interaction and correspondence between Walter (myself) and the two other people mentioned , Ann Bates And Joe Stembridge , cousins of Walter , sharing the same grandparent , the late D. T. Loyd (Doyal Thomas) .
  Again (and , for the last time for the foreseeable future) , Walter Loyd Lilly is the writer here , he will be discussing all persons mentioned here in the third person .